Growing up is hard to do. As a 24 year old, just starting out in the working world, being diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma can be a big blow. Here's my attempt at putting it behind me as smoothly as possible.

26 August, 2005

I'm Oriented

Just got back from a great session at Tom Baker. My parents, Dawn and Jon all came with me which was really nice. There was about an hour long presentation, mostly on chemo side effects and how to manage them. I think it really helped and calmed us down a bit. It doesn't sound all that bad now. We got a tour of the hospital and got to see the chemo rooms. I got a nice folder of information about the specific chemo drugs I'll be on. I'm feeling a little more comfortable now. I just wish it was Thursday already and my surgery, bone marrow test and PET scan were done!


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